Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Real final attempt of my presentation

Here it is.

Here is my presentation in google slides if you need to follow along.


  1. Leah your presentation included a lot of helpful and useful information. I also had the chance to review your blog and I thought you did a great job researching different applications. You spoke very clear in your presentation. I enjoyed your second slide on how technology has changed so much through the years. My only suggestion would be that on your slides with a lot of information and words try to bullet point them with main points and you can discuss each point instead of typing everything out. Overall, I felt that you covered a lot of important information that was discussed in class. You did a great job!

  2. Thanks so much for the feedback @ Anna Maria.

  3. I loved your presentation. It had a lot of helpful information, I like how you included links to things in case I wanted to go back and look at anything. You were very clear when presentation. I also liked how you talked about Alan November and how you saw his ideas in your classroom. Good Job!

  4. Nice job working out the recording of your voice. You should be very proud of yourself with learning to create a presentation on youtube!

  5. Thank you Tina. It wasn't easy with the technology issues I had with YouTube and PowerPoint recording timings.

  6. VERY GOOD Leah, I love the way you spoke clear and very sure of yourself. on mine i actualyy spoke fast to keep it under 5 min. lol
    You have alot of good resources that i think i'll steal to share with my educators.

  7. Leah, I think you did a great job on your final presentation. I really liked how you referenced the fact that technology allows students to own their own learning. That is the future with technology in it, whether we like it or not. Parent Communication is definitely key especially to those of us that work in year round centers. Some of the children are in our care for up t0 10 or 11 hours a day.

  8. I really like how you stated that parent communication is the most important and the main focus on our age group. I agree and think using technology to efficiently communicate with parents is very important. I also like how you linked things during your presentation!

  9. I agree that one of the big take aways from this course is November's idea that students can take charge of their own learning. It is interesting that technology is a tool that makes this possible. I also agree with your comments on Parent Communication. With out the support of parents our job becomes extremely difficult. The apps we learned about in this class really will help with that. Well done!

    1. Thank you Dawn. Your feedback is so true. :)

  10. Leah- Regarding your idea you talked about in the first slide about learning the apps and how to use technology for better communication, you did a great job doing so! In your blogs you were able to go into detail about the practicals that you were presenting and them were all very age appropriate for your children.
    I really appreciate all of the weekly app practicals and how much we got out of them. I now have tons of apps to use in my classroom and there are a few I am really excited to try out. Great job!

  11. Thanks Allyssa,
    I appreciate your feedback. Thank you.

  12. Leah, I enjoyed your final presentation. I can’t imagine how difficult it was to come up with ways for TODDLERS to use technology in the classroom. I had a difficult time changing my thinking for kindergarteners. But you did it! I like how you focused on using technology to keep your parents updated and connected to what’s going on in the classroom. And the small steps you are taking now will definitely benefit your students in the long run 😊

  13. I agree parent communication is essential for the success of each student. Apps like those you included are great for keeping in touch with parents, especially at the elementary level when teachers are barely able to have face to face converstions with parents. I also had no idea how to create a blog before this class! Great job!

  14. Leah at first I was struggling with the idea of how I would use technology in early childhood as well, outside of playing videos and songs. For me this class helped to change my thinking and show that even at such a young age students can use technology for meaningful purposes. Technology like you mentioned is a very important tool for parents communication and I agree that each app we use needs to fit the needs of all of our students. I also dream of teaching kindergarten in the future!

    1. Katie, Thanks for your feedback. I agree we learned a lot in this class about how to use technology in early childhood and to talk with parents. Yes, It would be fun if we reach our dream of teaching kindergarten in the future.


  15. Leah,
    Well done on your presentation. What stuck with me is that you focused on the students owning their own learning. Parent teacher communication is essential for me as well. Going from preschool to kindergarten, I do not see the parents every day like I did before and that is difficult for me. I love the Class Dojo app as well. Thank you for sharing, it is clear how much you have learned through this class.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Nice job on your presentation, Leah. You covered a lot of information, and I agree with Amg that some of your slides might be easier to read if you considered summarizing with bullet points instead of writing out everything you wanted to say. The best part for me was the slide with the chart of Digital Learning Farm apps. I had forgotten about all the helpful links in Alan November’s book and look forward to revisiting them. Thanks for the reminder!

  18. Great job making a YouTube video. It sounds like you were already using some technology in your classroom before taking this class and that you have found many more apps that may be beneficial to you after taking this class. I need to check out the SeeSaw app as I know several people have mentioned liking that one. Skype and Radio Garden are also great ideas to use in our early childhood classrooms. Looks like you have a great foundation for how to include more technology into your classroom. Nice job!

  19. I agree, toddlers are in the beginning stages of realizing that they can own their learning! It is great that you were and continue to communicate with parents, especially since so much happens during their day that they may/may not be able to verbalize. Constant communication and documenting through pictures at this age is crucial! You did a lot of research for this class and investigated many new apps. You really stepped out of your comfort zone and dove right into learning new ways of teaching with technology!

  20. I agree that parent communication is essential to a successful early childhood classroom. It seems as though this course provided you with a lot of useful apps and information to incorporate into your own classroom. Your hard work and dedication is very evident through this presentation.


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