Sunday, December 8, 2019

About me:

After taking this class, I wanted to learn more about using twitter as another way to network with other educators.

Here is also the link to my linked in account.

Extra: Quotes about technology that I liked.

I wanted to put these quotes about technology in my blog as I found them interesting.

Thanks, Jillian for sharing this one. Before I started this class I was not sure how technology fits into an early childhood classroom and like this quote for when technology doesn't cooperate.

I also like this photo, I found while searching the internet in between looking at class presentations.

Allyssa Ingersoll thanks for sharing this one in your presentation.

This is taken from Emily Carter's and Lizzie Loke's  blog but I wanted to save it. I liked this quote for inspiration to about how to use technology in the classroom. It sums up the class well.

This is a great quote from Lizzie Locke's blog

Extra: Epic books for students to listen to books on technology

Thank you Katie MCTinge for introducing this in your final powerpoint presentation. It may be a good way to introduce technology in my class with books.

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I decided to look up Channukah for work.

Screenshot of books

Pomodoro Timer

I want to see if this helps me with time management when needing to take a reading break.