Thursday, October 31, 2019

WAP: Student as Researcher

I think Maria Montessori shows the child as the researcher because the child is exploring their own environment with play. Play is the child's research in learning as play is the child's work.
I believe that technology does not need to be involved in an early childhood classroom for research because the students are exploring the world around them. I learned later in this blog how technology can be used in the classroom but I do not think technology should take over letting the child play.

As an early childhood educator,  my philosophy is that students learn by researching, exploring and observing the outside world with nature. For example, students use inquiry and observation while looking and playing with leaves.  The students learn by playing and using their imaginations. Students need to explore with their senses and do not need technology in the classroom. As the teacher, I would research books on leaves and have the children be researchers by looking up information on topics in books. This example book is on leaves.

Here is a  YouTube video of children exploring and playing with leaves.

Play is the child's learning. I like Mr. Roger's quote.

There is a debate on how much technology should be in the classroom. Students should balance exploring with the outside world. This is from a workshop I am working on. This quote is by Rae Pica.

My classroom problem is, "How do we have students do their own research using technology?"
While searching on the internet an adult must accompany the child to help to decide what is useful to protect the children from inappropriate content. There could also be parental controls. The teacher would have to use what is developmentally appropriate practice in their curriculum but make sure the students own their learning as Alan November emphasizes is in his book.

I never thought a child could search the internet in early education or at the Kindergarten level.  Students can look up the answer on a phone, tablet or laptop with their parents or in the classroom.  Alan November says, "What if students were better trained to vet the information they find so their research could be more useful to them and to the entire class? All of these outcomes are possible when we incorporate the job of the student researcher into our educational model (49)."

Here is the app I used for students to be researchers at a kindergarten level.

KidzSearch | Kids Safe Search Engine.

Random Fun Facts White cats with blue eyes are usually deaf. Bananas grow pointing upwards.. Helminthophobia is the fear of worms. 'orology' is the study of mountains. The first ground vacuum packed coffee was first introduced in 1900. Avocados have the most calories of any other fruit.
For example, in my model classroom, students could use the Kidz search app to look up information about their interests. We can encourage a child to look up the information themselves to help them own their learning.

Here is the photo of the search app:

This is the example of the search engine on the Kidz app.

For example, a child who is interested in trains could find these vehicle facts on trains from the Kidz Search engine app.

Another child told her Mom she wanted to learn more about the Horace Mann School. She was also interested in learning who Horace Mann was after her mom drove by it.
We looked at the kidz search app about Horace man.

Another student researched using games on the Kidz Search app. 

The photos below show the game Conundrum in a notebook in the Kidz search app. The student was so eager to play the game but it is frustrating that we cannot find it again.

The child picked up the game and started playing it. The lines could be moved by touching the screen to make a straight line by connecting the lines.  For the child with a learning disability, this could help because the screen can be touched. The game helps with problem-solving by making line segments and is used for spatial relationships.

 The student solves the problem by organizing the lines in the app in the picture below. The student said, "I  would take the lines and move it". The student then said," I will tap on the line and move the line in the direction. Last, I can move the line up to the corner. I press start to see the answers." 

Another photo of the game.

The final result of the game. The student wins.

I also used the app to look up videos and music and other interesting facts.

Here is a youtube video as the child was interested in the indoor playground.

I do not agree with Alan November that children are ready to make their own custom search engine. I feel this idea is geared towards older children because it would be too involved for younger children.

I like the quote by Alan November, "By training and using students as researchers, we can give our kids the fundamental skills they need to begin handling these tasks. That training has to include techniques for applying knowledge to produce information and facilitate communication, and one of the most important skills in that task will involve evaluating the resources they decide to use" (52).

I wanted to look up more information on how Kindergarten students can use computers to be researchers. This article mentions about how students can explore how to use a computer mouse. The student is researching as they learn about the world around them. The teacher could also ask the children what they want to research by using the smart board.

The students are going to be more exposed to technology as times have changed and are going to be doing their own research. I am still amazed that kindergarten has advanced to iPads. This website mentions why research for Kindergarten to fourth grade is so important.

Students currently ask Alexa to research songs they want to play to listen to and dance to. They may also ask their parents to ask Siri what they want to know or ask questions in the car like my friend's little girl asked "Who is Horace Mann?" and "What is the school?" when they drove by.

Students are using the internet more than library books now to do research. Eventually, I think paper copies of books are going to become obsolete.

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Pomodoro Timer

I want to see if this helps me with time management when needing to take a reading break.